Wastewater Treatment Plants ‘B’/’C’ Expansion

Manchac Consulting Group, Inc. was retained by the City of Lake Charles, LA to provide engineering design, construction management, and resident inspection services for construction of a new wastewater treatment plant to replace the antiquated and undersized existing WWTPs ‘B’/’C’. Construction included a new influent pump station, headworks, two (2) multi-channel oxidation ditches, three (3) clarifiers, activated sludge pump station, UV disinfection channel, non-potable water system, and all miscellaneous structural, electrical, and SCADA components. The new treatment plant was designed with a hydraulic/treatment capacity for average daily flows up to 6.2 MGD and instantaneous peaks upwards of 38.0 MGD.

Manchac Consulting Group, Inc. also provided the engineering design, construction management, and resident inspection services for demolition of the existing WWTPs ‘B’/’C’, which were no longer needed following completion of the new WWTP. Demolition included removal of the entirety of WWTP ‘B’ and selective demolition at WWTP ‘C’. The aerators and sludge processing equipment were the only items to remain while several aeration basins were also converted into digestors to assist with sludge processing. In addition, upgrades were made to the electrical infrastructure for the components to remain, sludge processing capabilities were expanded, and the Contraband Lift Station’s dual 24-inch forcemains were extended into a new collection box feeding the influent pump station of the new treatment plant.

Manchac Consulting Group Project No. 1
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